Open Webmail Help Tutorials >> Message Operation

Message Operation options set the preferences for performing actions on messages (such as Move or Copy).

Message Operation Reference Chart


What it Sets/Changes

Confirm before message move/copy Confirms before moving or copying a message to another folder.
Default Destination The default folder for storing unspecified filtered messages.
Smart Destination The default folder for storing specified filtered messages.
View next after message move/copy Will redirect to the next message in the current folder after moving or copying a message.
Put mail filter at background Activates mail filter in the background. You can also specify conditions for activating the mail filter.
Wait time for background mail filter Interval before starting the background mail filter.
Move old MSG to saved @ Logout Moves old messages to the "Saved" folder when you log out of Open Webmail.
Autofetch POP3 login Emails are automatically retrieved during the login.


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