Open Webmail Help Tutorials >> Display Preferences

The Display Preferences allow you to choose colors, formats, sizes, images, and other display settings.

Display preferences Reference Chart

Term/Setting What it Sets/Changes
StyleChanges the color scheme of your Open Webmail account.
Icon SetChanges the style of the icons/buttons.
Background ImageChanges the background image of your e-mail. You can choose one of preset images from the drop menu, or use your own URL by typing it in the text field.
Background Image repeated Repeats display of the selected background image.
Font Size Changes the size of the text in your messages.
Date Format The format of which the dates are displayed (e.g..: MM/DD/YYYY would display 08/28/2002 on August 28, 2002).
Hour Format Sets your hour format to 12 or 24 hour time. 
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