Open Webmail Help Tutorials >> Advanced Search 

Below, is what you will see on the Advanced Search page.  It allows you to perform more specific searches in your mailboxes than the Search Toolbar .  You can navigate to the advanced search page by clicking the Search Button ( ) on the Main Toolbar .

Enter the details for the advanced search in the required fields and click " Search ". The e-mails matching the search criteria are listed in Results. 

Refer to the following table for help on the Advanced Search page:

Search TermAction Performed
Select FolderSelect which e-mail folders (mailboxes) you wish to search through.  By checking off the checkbox beside "Select Folder", all the folders will become selected. 
Date Range Set the date range for the e-mail messages that you want to search.
Where Select the section to be searched in the e-mail message.
Type of Search Specify the method of creating the search filter.
Text to Search Specify the text to be searched within the messages.
Line results Specify the number of lines of result to be displayed.
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